Wedding rings

Making unique wedding rings: More than just jewelry

Wedding is one of the most important events in life, and wedding rings are a symbol of eternal love and loyalty. When searching for the perfect rings, you often decide to make unique wedding rings. This article will explore the process of making these special symbols and highlight what makes them so unique and special.

  1. Meeting with a personal jewelry designer

Beginning the process of making unique wedding rings usually involves meeting with a personal designer and maker (jeweler) of unique wedding rings. In the Mengeš jewelry studio, you have the opportunity to discuss your wishes, taste, budget and the story you want to express with the rings. The designer will help you choose the shape, material and other details that will give the rings a unique look.

  1. Form and design

After the meeting with the designer in the Mengeš Jewelery Studio, the ring design process begins. The designer will create a draft of the rings based on your preferences. This draft will include details such as the shape of the rings, engravings, accessories, gemstones and other details. This step allows you to define exactly how you want your wedding rings to look.

  1. Choice of materials

The choice of materials is key. Wedding rings are traditionally made of gold, but you also have other options such as white gold, red gold, platinum and other precious metals. You can also choose stones such as diamonds, emeralds, sapphires or other precious stones to decorate your rings.

  1. Making rings

Once the materials and design have been chosen, the making of the rings begins. Experienced goldsmiths in the Mengeš Goldsmith's Studio design and process materials by hand and create rings. This process requires skill and attention to detail to ensure a high quality product.

  1. Personal engraving

Wedding rings are especially special when they include personal engraving. This accessory allows you to engrave your name, wedding date or any other special message on the rings to commemorate this unique event.

Why choose unique wedding rings in Mengeš Goldsmith's Studio

  1. Uniqueness: Unique wedding rings are completely unique and reflect your story and personal symbolism.

  2. Personal connection: Because you participated in the design and choice of materials, you will feel more connected to the rings you will wear for a lifetime.

  3. High quality: Properly made unique rings are of superior quality, which ensures their durability and beauty over the years.

  4. Unique gift: Unique wedding rings are also a great gift for your partner as they express your love and journey together.


Making unique wedding rings is a special process that allows a couple to create rings that are perfectly tailored to their love and story. These rings are not just jewelry, but a symbol of eternal loyalty and the uniqueness of the moment. When you wear unique wedding rings, you will always carry with you a piece of your unique love story.